国立情報学研究所の神門典子(かんど のりこ)と申します。
Mental Disorderをより早い段階でSNSなどから検知することの重要性が
高まっております。今回は、eRisk (Early Detection of Mental Disorder
by Monitering Social Media)プロジェクトを2017年から主導されている
スイスUSI大学のProf Fabio Crestaniにご講演いただきます。ぜひ、奮って
<日時/Data Time> Thursday, Dec. 8th, From 15:00-
<場所/Place> Room 1810, NII, and Online
<演題/TITLE> Measuring Depression in Social Media: Results from the First
5 Years of eRisk
<言語> English
Internet provides massive amounts of data. Millions of users publish
contents and interact with one another in a daily fashion. Several
studies have shown that the words people use (also in online content)
are indicative, through distinctive linguistic patterns, of their
psychological state. In 2017, through a fortunate set of events, we
started the eRisk project. eRisk, which stands for Early Risk Prediction
on the Internet, is concerned with the early detection of signs of
psychological problems from users' posts in social media. In this talk
I give an overview of the activities of eRisk as part of CLEF (the
Conference and Lab of the Evaluation Forum) over the past few years,
with particular attention to the early detection of signs of depression.
I also discuss how for depression we passed from the early detection, to
the estimation of the level of severity, to the latest task (2023)
concerned with estimation of the individual symptoms. I conclude
summarising the lessons learned so far and pointing at what might come
next, also for other mental disorders.
<関連書籍/Related Book>
Fabio Crestani, David E. Losada, Javier Parapar (eds.)
"Early Detection of Mental Health Disorders by Social Media Monitoring:
The First Five Years of the eRisk Project"
Springer, 2022.
<講演者について/About the Speaker>
Prof Fabio Crestani is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Informatics of
the Universita’ della Svizzera Italiana (USI) in Lugano, Switzerland,
since 2007. Previously he was a professor at the University of
Strathclyde in Glasgow, UK and the University of Padua, Italy. He holds
a degree in Statistics from the University of Padua (I) and a MSc and
PhD in Computing Science from the University of Glasgow.
Prof Crestani works in Information Retrieval, Text Mining and
Digital Libraries. In these areas he has published extensively on both
theoretical and experimental aspects. He also served in the organising
and program committees of several conferences and in the editorial
boards of several journals.
<参加登録フォーム/Registration Form>
- オンライン参加:事前に参加登録をお願いいたします。
- 現地参加:事前登録なしの参加も歓迎です。ですが、
神門 典子
Noriko Kando
National Institute of Informatics, Japan