「The 21st International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications
(ADMA 2025)」は、
本会議では、Research Track、Industry Track、Special Session Trackを設けております。
ADMA2025 Kyoto, Japan | October 22-24, 2025
The 21st International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications
(ADMA2025) will be held in Kyoto, Japan, October 22-24, 2025.
It is our great pleasure to invite you to contribute papers and participate
in this premier annual event on research and applications of data mining.
Themes and Topics
We invite authors to submit papers relevant to the topics include, but are
not limited to:
● Data mining foundations and algorithms
● Grand challenges in big data mining
● Data mining for edge intelligence
● Data mining for bioinformatics
● Image mining & interpretations
● Mining on data streams
● Graph mining
● Spatial and temporal data mining
● Text, video, multimedia data mining
● Web mining and social networks
● Correlation mining and causality analysis
● Recommender systems
● Generative data mining
● Deep learning models for data mining
● Trustworthy and responsible data mining
● Data mining security and privacy
● Federated and privacy-aware data mining
● Parallel and distributed data mining
● Interactive data mining and visualisation
● Benchmarking and evaluations
● Trends in advanced data mining
● E-commerce data mining
● Healthcare informatics
● Disaster prediction and prevention
● Data Mining Applications with LLMs
● Financial market analysis
● Software analysis with data mining
● Data mining enhanced education
● Data mining for AgriTech
● Data mining in Internet of Things
● Mining for database management
● Data mining for space science
● Data mining for cyber security
● Data mining for eScience
● Smart Cities applications
● Data mining for societal science
Submission Categories
ADMA 2025 has three submission tracks, including Research Track, Industry
Track, and Special Session Track.
● Research Track
ADMA 2025 provides an international platform for original research in
data mining, covering applications, algorithms, software, and systems.
Submissions will undergo double-blind peer review and should contribute to
theoretical or applied advancements in data mining.
● Industry Track
This track focuses on applied research and real-world implementations of
data mining solutions. Submissions should highlight practical value,
industrial significance, and innovative deployments, such as best
practices, novel systems, and large-scale dataset analyses in industry. The
single-blind review process allows authors to include identity and
affiliation details.
● Special Sessions
Track Special sessions (similar to workshops) explore emerging and
interdisciplinary topics, including bioinformatics, healthcare,
cybersecurity, transportation, and finance. Papers will be reviewed by
domain experts and included in the main conference proceedings
Important Dates
* All deadlines follow Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time.
● Paper Submission Deadline (All Tracks): May 8, 2025
● Paper Notification (All Tracks): July 27, 2025
● Camera-ready Submission Deadline: August 10, 2025
● Conference dates: October 22 to 24, 2025
Organizing Committee
General Chair: Masatoshi Yoshikawa (Osaka Seikei University), Xiaofeng Meng
(Renmin University of China)
Program Chairs: Yang Cao (Institute of Science Tokyo), Chuan Xiao (Osaka
Local Chairs: Qiang Ma (Kyoto Institute of Technology), Shinsuke Nakashima
(Kyoto Sangyo University), Kenta Oku (Ryukoku University)
Financial Chair: Hisashi Miyamori (Kyoto Sangyo University)
Sponsorship Chairs: Masato Oguchi (Ochanomizu University), Kazutaka
Sakurai (Recruit Co., Ltd.)
Panel Chair: Xuyun Zhang (Macquarie University)
Proceeding Chairs: Weitong Chen (The University of Adelaide), Yanda Wang
(Nanjing Normal University)
Special Session Track Chairs: Yasuhiko Morimoto (Hiroshima University), Ye
Zhu (Deakin University), Chen Li (Osaka University)
Pubilicity Chair: Yuanyuan Wang (Yamaguchi University)
Web Chair: Shuyuan Zheng (Osaka University)
王 元元
准教授 博士(環境人間学)
Yuanyuan Wang, Ph.D
Associate Professor, Department of Information Science and Engineering,
College of Engineering,
Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Yamaguchi
University, Japan
E-mail: y.wang(a)yamaguchi-u.ac.jp
Tel: +81-836-85-9522
JapanVis を開催いたします。
高く評価された論文は国際論文誌Journal of Visualizationにてクイック査読により
2025 2nd Japan Visualization Symposium (JapanVis)
July 3-4, 2025 at Surugadai campus, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan
JapanVis is a new international-domestic-hybrid symposium administered
by Visualization Society of Japan, that solicits research contributions
in all areas of computer visualization such as information visualization,
scientific visualization, visual analytics, and visualization
applications. The first day of the symposium organizes international
paper sessions in conjunction with Journal of Visualization
(JoV: https://www.springer.com/journal/12650/).
The scope of the international paper sessions follows the scope of Journal
of Visualization (https://www.springer.com/journal/12650/aims-and-scope).
Submissions need to include an exhaustive survey of related work published
by computer visualization journals and conferences.
Submissions of the international paper sessions are reviewed by the international
program committee of the symposium. Excellent submissions are accepted as
journal-track papers and will be published by Journal of Visualization after
a quick review process. Other submissions are accepted as non-archival
conference papers if they fit the scope of the symposium.
Conference papers are strongly recommended to be submitted to Journal of
Visualization after carefully revising according to review comments.
Submissions must follow the guideline of Journal of Visualization
The LaTeX template of Springer Nature
is strongly recommended.
EasyChair is open for online submission:
* The guideline describes the page limit as eight, but JapanVis limits
the number of pages as 20 with the following LaTeX format.
March 25 (AoE), 2025 Submission deadline
May 5, 2025 Acceptance notification
May 25, 2025 Final manuscript submission
General Chair: Kyoko Hasegawa
Program Chair: Takayuki Itoh and Yuriko Takeshima
Finance Chair: Hideo Miyachi
Local Coordinate Chair: Jun Sakakibara and Yuriko Takeshima
E-mail: japanvis2025(a)googlegroups.com
Takayuki Itoh (伊藤貴之) (itot(a)is.ocha.ac.jp)
Dept. of Humanity Data Engineering / Dept. of Information Sciences,
Director of Center for AI and Data Science, Ochanomizu University
xSIG 2025 のプログラム副委員長を仰せつかっております、株式会社Scalarの山田と申します。
xSIG 2025の論文登録締切・アップロード締切が1週間延長されました。
特に、DEIMの「Track 2: ビッグデータ基盤技術・データセキュリティ・プライバシ」で発表された方は、
論文登録締切 3/11(火) 17:00 (JST) → 3/18(火) 17:00 (JST) (延長なし)
論文アップロード締切 3/18(火) 17:00 (JST) → 3/25(火) 17:00 (JST) (延長なし)
(ヤングPC推薦締切 3/14(金))
xSIG 2025 CFP
(English follows Japanese)
[Call for Papers]
xSIG 2025
The 9th Cross-disciplinary Workshop
on Computing Systems, Infrastructures, and Programming
会期 2025年8月6日 SWoPP2025内
会場 サンポートホール高松(香川県高松市)
情報処理学会 システム・アーキテクチャ研究会 (ARC)
同 ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング研究会 (HPC)
同 システムソフトウェアと
オペレーティング・システム研究会 (OS)
同 プログラミング研究会 (PRO)
共催: IEEE Computer Society Tokyo/Japan Joint Chapter
情報処理学会 データベースシステム研究会 (DBS)
電子情報通信学会 コンピュータシステム研究専門委員会 (CPSY)
同 データ工学研究専門委員会 (DE)
同 リコンフィギャラブルシステム研究専門委員会 (RECONF)
2025/3/18(火) 17:00 (JST): 論文登録〆切
2025/3/25(火) 17:00 (JST): 論文アップロード〆切
2025/4/29(火)頃: 採否通知
2025/7/ 8(火) 17:00 (JST): ポスター投稿〆切
2025/7/ 9(水)頃: ポスター採否通知
2025/8/4(月)-6(水): SWoPP 2025 開催 (xSIG2025は6日に開催)
xSIG (cross-disciplinary workshop on computing Systems, Infra-
structures, and programminG) は,JSPP,SACSIS,ACSI の伝統を受け継ぎ,
(cross-SIG) 幅広い分野を対象とします.
xSIG は,これら分野にまたがる発表,議論の場を提供すること,および,
大島 聡史(九州大学)
田崎 創(IIJ)
川上 哲志(九州大学)
山田 浩之(Scalar)
横山 大作(明治大学)
三木 洋平(東京大学)
中田 秀基 (順天堂大学)
井上 拓 (IBM)
岩下 武史 (京都大学)
遠藤 敏夫 (東京科学大学)
小口 正人 (お茶の水女子大学)
鯉渕 道紘 (国立情報学研究所)
合田 和生 (東京大学)
五島 正裕 (国立情報学研究所)
田浦 健次朗 (東京大学)
竹房 あつ子 (国立情報学研究所)
滝沢 寛之 (東北大学)
津邑 公暁 (名古屋工業大学)
[Call for Papers]
xSIG 2025
The 9th Cross-disciplinary Workshop
on Computing Systems, Infrastructures, and Programming
[Date and Venue]
Date: Aug. 6, 2025 in SWoPP
Venue: Sunport Hall Takamatsu (Takamatsu-shi, Kagawa)
[Technical Sponsors]
- IPSJ SIG System Architecture (ARC)
- IPSJ SIG High Performance Computing (HPC)
- IPSJ SIG System Software and Operating Systems (OS)
- IPSJ SIG Programming (PRO)
- IEEE Computer Society Tokyo/Japan Joint Chapter
- IPSJ SIG Database Management System (DBS)
- IEICE Technical Committee on Computer System (CPSY)
- IEICE Technical Committee on Data Engineering (DE)
- IEICE Technical Committee on Reconfigurable Systems (RECONF)
[Important Dates]
- Mar. 18, 2025, 17:00 JST: Paper registration due
- Mar. 25, 2025, 17:00 JST: Paper upload due
- Apr. 29, 2025: Author notification
- Jul. 8, 2025: Poster submission due
- Jul. 9, 2025: Author notification (poster)
- Aug. 4-6, 2025: SWoPP 2025 (xSIG is held on 6)
[Scope and Objectives]
xSIG (cross-disciplinary workshop on computing Systems, Infra-
structures, and programminG) is a workshop from 2017,
inheriting the tradition of JSPP,SACSIS,and ACSI. It solicits
contributions from a wide range of fields related to computing systems,
infrastructures, and programming, spanning all areas covered by the
sponsoring special interest groups (cross-SIG).
The main objectives of xSIG are to provide a forum to present and
discuss research ideas among researchers spanning many fields and to
raise young researchers through a globally standard peer review process.
In particular,
- We hope authors of xSIG workshop to advance their research based on
feedback received and step up to submitting their work to
international conferences and journals. We do not publish
workshop proceedings. The papers presented in xSIG will be available
only to the audience during the workshop. For those who want to
publish their work, we collaborate with IPSJ Transactions on ACS for
Special Issue on xSIG.
- We hope to give authors substantial feedback as well as a place for
young researchers to practice/improve writing papers for review,
through the globally standard conference format of submitting papers
for review, receiving/writing reviews, discussing papers in the
program committee meeting, etc. For this, we establish
Young Program Committee alongside the regular Program
Committee and welcome the participation of young researchers
including students to it, for "an early exposure" of motivated
students to peer review work normally done by senior researchers.
- We award many students.
From 2020, xSIG is co-located with SWoPP event (Summer United Workshops
on Parallel, Distributed and Cooperative Processing), in which many SIGs
on computing systems held workshops.
[About the fees of xSIG]
Until xSIG 2024, we have operated the xSIG using the surplus funds of its
predecessor, SACSIS. However, since the surplus has been almost completely
used up, we would like to ask sponsors and accepted authors to gradually cover
the costs of the xSIG. We plan to require payment of 10,000 yen per acceptance
via IPSJ My Page. We would appreciate your cooperation in ensuring the
continued implementation of the xSIG.
Program Chair
OHSHIMA, Satoshi (Kyushu University)
Program Vice-Chairs
TAZAKI, Hajime (IIJ)
KAWAKAMI, Satoshi (Kyushu University)
YAMADA, Hiroyuki (Scalar)
Poster Chair
YOKOYAMA, Daisaku (Meiji University)
Program Secretary
MIKI, Yohei (The University of Tokyo)
Organizing Chair
NAKADA, Hidemoto (Juntendo University)
Organizing Committee
INOUE, Hiroshi (IBM)
IWASHITA, Takeshi (Kyoto University)
ENDO, Toshio (Institute of Science Tokyo)
OGUCHI, Masato (Ochanomizu University)
KOIBUCHI, Michihiro (National Institute of Informatics)
GODA, Kazuo (The University of Tokyo)
GOSHIMA, Masahiro (National Institute of Informatics)
TAURA, Kenjiro (The University of Tokyo)
TAKEFUSA, Atsuko (National Institute of Informatics)
TAKIZAWA, Hiroyuki (Tohoku University)
TSUMURA, Tomoaki (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
Hiroyuki Yamada
CTO at Scalar, Inc.
2025年6月30日-7月2日に福井で開催されますSNPD 2025-Summer IIをご案内いたします。
The 30th IEEE/ACIS International SummerConference on Software Engineering,
Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing
(SNPD2025-Summer II)
The 30th IEEE/ACIS International SummerConference on Software Engineering,
Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing
(SNPD2025-Summer II) brings together researchers, scientists, engineers,
industry practitioners, and students to discuss, encourage and exchange new
ideas, research results, and experiences on all aspects of computer and
information science. SNPD2025-Summer II aims to facilitate
cross-fertilizations among the key technology enabling areas and is
soliciting papers in these areas.
Important Dates:
--Workshop/Special session proposal: January 12, 2025
--Workshop/Special session acceptance notification: January 26, 2025
--Submission Deadline: April 5, 2025
--Acceptance Notification: April 19, 2025
--Registration/Camera Ready Paper: April 30. 2025
現在、Special sessionを募集しており、1月12日が締め切りとなっております。
NTCIR-19では,大規模言語モデル (LLM) を用いた情報アクセスや
Task Proposals Due: March 31, 2025 (AoE)
Submission Link:
We are delighted to announce the call for task proposals for NTCIR-19.
NTCIR (NII Testbeds and Community for Information Access Research) is a
series of evaluation conferences that mainly focus on information access
with East Asian languages and English. The first NTCIR conference (NTCIR-1)
took place in August/September 1999, and the latest NTCIR-18 conference
will be held on June 10-13, 2025. Research teams from all over the world
participate in one or more NTCIR tasks to advance the state of the art and
to learn from one another's experiences.
It is time to call for task proposals for the next NTCIR (NTCIR-19), which
will start in September 2025 and conclude in December 2026. Task proposals
will be reviewed by the NTCIR Program Committee, and organizers of accepted
tasks will have a chance to present their proposed tasks at the NTCIR-18
Conference held in NII, Tokyo, Japan, from June 10-13, 2025.
*March 31, 2025: Task Proposal Submission Due (Anywhere on Earth) *May 15,
2025: Acceptance Notification of Task Proposals
June 10-13, 2025: NTCIR-18 Conference (Organizers of accepted tasks have a
chance to present their proposed tasks)
January 2026: Dataset release*
January-June 2026: Dry run*
March-July 2026: Formal run*
August 1, 2026: Evaluation results return
August 1, 2026: Task overview release (draft)
September 1, 2026: Submission due of participant papers (draft)
November 1, 2026: Camera-ready participant paper due
December 2026: NTCIR-19 Conference at NII, Tokyo, Japan
(* indicates that the schedule can be different for different tasks)
We invite new task proposals within the expansive field of information
access. Organizing an evaluation task entails pinpointing significant
research challenges, strategically addressing them through collaboration
with fellow researchers (including co-organizers and participants),
developing the requisite evaluation framework to propel advancements in the
state of the art, and generating a meaningful impact on both the research
community and future developments.
Prospective applicants are urged to underscore the real-world applicability
of their proposed tasks by utilizing authentic data, focusing on practical
tasks, and solving tangible problems. Additionally, they should confront
challenges in evaluating information access technology, such as the
extensive number of assessments needed for evaluation, ensuring privacy
while using proprietary data, and conducting live tests with actual users.
In the era of large language models (LLMs), these models are anticipated to
significantly influence daily human activities. Nonetheless, the content
produced by LLMs often exhibits issues, such as hallucinations. NTCIR-19
encourages tasks that focus on the evaluation of the quality of content
generated by LLMs continued from NTCIR-18 as well as information access
exploiting LLMs, including generative information retrieval (IR), IR using
generative queries, conversational search using generated utterances,
evaluation using LLM (relevance judgements or language annotation using
LLM), and RAG.
We will accept two types of task proposals:
- Proposal of a Core task:
This is for fostering research on a particular information access problem
by providing researchers with a common ground for evaluation. New test
collections and evaluation methods may be developed through the
collaboration between task organizers (proposers) and task participants. At
NTCIR-18, the core tasks are AEOLLM, FairWeb-2, FinArg-2, Lifelog-6,
MedNLP-CHAT, RadNLP, and Transfer-2. Details can be found at
- Proposal of a Pilot task:
This is recommended for organizers who propose to focus on a novel
information access problem, and there are uncertainties either in task
design or organization. It may focus on a sub-problem of an information
access problem and attract a smaller group of participating teams than core
tasks. However, it may grow into a core challenging task in the next round
of NTCIR. At NTCIR-18, the pilot tasks are HIDDEN-RAD, SUSHI, and U4.
Details can be found at http://research.nii.ac.jp/ntcir/NTCIR-18/tasks.html.
Organizers are expected to run their tasks mainly with their own funding
and to make the task as self-sustaining as possible. A part of the fund can
be supported by NTCIR, which is called "seed funding." It is usually used
for some limited purposes such as hiring relevance assessors. The seed
funding allocated to each task varies depending on requirements and the
number of accepted tasks. Typical cases would be around 1M JPY for a core
task and around 0.5M JPY for a pilot task (note that the amount is subject
to change).
Please submit your task proposal as a PDF file via EasyChair by March 31,
2025 (Anywhere on Earth).
The proposal should not exceed four pages in A4 single-column format. The
first three pages should contain the main part and appendix, and the last
page should contain only a description of the data to be used in the task.
Please describe the data in as much detail as possible so that we can help
your data release process after the proposal is accepted. In the past
NTCIRs, it took much time to create memorandums for data release, which
sometimes slowed down the task organization.
Main part
- Task name and short name
- Task type (core or pilot) - Abstract
- Motivation
- Methodology
- Expected results
- Names and contact information of the organizers - Prospective participants
- Data to be used and/or constructed
- Budget planning
- Schedule
- Other notes
Data (to be used in your task) - Details
(Please describe the details of the data, which should include the source
of the data, methods to collect the data, range of the data, etc.)
- License
(Please make sure that you have a license to distribute the data, and
details of the license should be provided. If you do not have permission to
release the data yet, please describe your plan to get the permission.)
- Distribution
(Please describe how you plan to distribute the data to participants. There
are mainly three choices: distributed by the data provider, distributed by
organizers, and distributed by NII.)
- Legal / Ethical issues
(If the data can cause legal or ethical problems, please describe how you
propose to address them. e.g., some medical data may need approval from an
ethical committee. e.g., some Web data may need filtering for excluding
discriminative messages.)
If you want NII to distribute your data to task participants on your
behalf, please email ntc-admin(a)nii.ac.jp before your task proposal
submission attaching the task proposal.
- Importance of the task to the information access community and the
society - Timeliness of the task
- Organizers’ commitment in ensuring a successful task
- Financial sustainability (self-sustainable tasks are encouraged)
- Soundness of the evaluation methodology
- Detailed description about the data to be used
- Language scope
Qingyao Ai (Tsinghua University, China)
Chung-Chi Chen (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and
Technology (AIST), Japan)
Shoko Wakamiya (Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan)
Charles Clarke (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Noriko Kando (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
Makoto P. Kato (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Yiqun Liu (Tsinghua University, China)