来年の5月にDASFAA 2024国際会議を岐阜で開催いたします.開催地は,今年
- Database Systems
- Data Science and Advanced Applications
石川 佳治
The 29th International Conference on Database Systems
for Advanced Applications
(DASFAA 2024)
2024年5月13日(月) - 16日(木)
岐阜市 長良川国際会議場
Conference Scope
The International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced
Applications (DASFAA) is a leading international forum for
discussing the latest research on database systems and advanced
applications. DASFAA, a well-established international conference
series that provides a forum for technical presentations and
discussions among database researchers, developers, and users from
academia, business, and industry, showcases state-of-the-art R&D
activities in the general areas of database systems and their
DASFAA-2024 welcomes high-quality, original, and previously
unpublished submissions in database theory, technology, and
practice. Topics of interest for the conference include,
but are not limited to, the following:
Database Systems
Database core technology
- Query processing and optimization
- Index and storage systems
- Data model and query language
- Databases for emerging hardware
- Machine learning for database
- Data warehouse and OLAP
- Transaction management
Domain-specific/advanced database systems
- Data processing in VR/AR/MR
- Graph data management
- Data management in social networks
- Embedded and mobile databases
- Temporal and spatial databases
- Data streams and time-series data
- Knowledge management
- Text databases
- Multimedia databases
- HCI for modern information systems
- Natural language query interface
- Probabilistic and uncertain data
- Sensor data management
- Statistical and scientific databases
Cloud data management
- Cloud data management
- Big Data data management (e.g, MapReduce, Spark)
- Parallel and distributed database systems
- Data semantics and data integration
- Information integration
- Blockchain
Data Science and Advanced Applications
Data science
- Data-driven AI technology
- Data mining and knowledge discovery
- Neural network
- Graph and social network analysis
- RDF and knowledge graphs
- Text and data mining
Advanced applications
- Search and recommendation technology
- Security, privacy, and trust
- Data quality and credibility
- Bio and health informatics
- Data science for epidemics (e.g., COVID-19)
- Semantic Web and knowledge management
- Crowd-sourcing
- Data archive and digital library
- Web information systems
- Information extraction and summarization
Due Dates for Reseach Papers
Abstract submission due: October 20, 2023
Paper submission due: October 27, 2023
Acceptance notification: January 19, 2024
Camera ready due: February 16, 2024
Conference General Co-Chairs
Yoshiharu Ishikawa: Nagoya University, Japan
Sihem Amer-Yahia: University of Grenoble Alpes, France
H.V. Jagadish: University of Michigan, USA
Program Committee Chairs
Makoto Onizuka: Osaka University, Japan
Jae-Gil Lee: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology (KAIST), Korea
Yongxin Tong: Beihang University, China
詳細につきましては,DASFAA 2024ホームページ https://dasfaa2024.org/ を