
大阪成蹊大学 杉山と申します。

アジア-太平洋地域を中心とした情報検索に関する国際会議、SIGIR-AP 2024では、
7月5日を締め切りとして、workshop proposal を募集しております。
ACM のテンプレートで4ページ程度の内容で投稿可能です。


- Proposal submission: July 5, 2024
- Proposal acceptance notification: July 12, 2024
- Workshop day: December 12, 2024

以下、Call For Workshop Proposal の詳細です。

みなさまからの workshop proposal のご投稿を、お待ちしております。

The annual SIGIR-AP conference is an annual ACM-sponsored international forum that promotes and disseminates information retrieval research and development within the Asia-Pacific region. The 2nd ACM SIGIR-AP conference (SIGIR-AP 2024) will be held in Tokyo from the 9th to the 12th of December 2024.

SIGIR-AP 2024 workshops will provide a platform for presenting novel ideas and emerging areas in IR, in a less formal and more focused way than the conference itself. Researchers and practitioners from all areas of IR are invited to submit workshop proposals for review.

Workshops will be on-site and in person. All workshops will require at least one organizer to attend, as well as a (yet-to-be-determined) number of participants.

Time zone: Anywhere On Earth (AOE)

- Proposal submission: July 5, 2024
- Proposal acceptance notification: July 12, 2024
- Individual workshop paper submission: October 3, 2024
- Tentative workshop overview camera ready: October 7, 2024
- Tentative workshop paper acceptance notification: October 18, 2024
- Workshop day: December 12, 2024

Workshop topics typically match those identified in the SIGIR-AP 2024 call for papers, but proposals concerned with other areas of IR are welcome. We encourage prospective workshop organizers to submit proposals for highly interactive workshops (half-day) focusing on either in-depth analysis or broad-ranging approaches to information retrieval. The format of each workshop is to be determined by the organizers. We expect workshops to contain ample time for discussion and engagement of all participants – not just those presenting papers. Workshops that foster collaboration, discussion, group problem-solving and community building initiatives are particularly encouraged. Workshops that only revolve around the presentation of papers in a “mini conference” format are discouraged.

The organizers of approved workshops will be expected to define the workshop’s focus, gather and review submissions, and decide upon the final program content.

#Organizers (including co-organizers) are strongly encouraged to write an article for the ACM SIGIR Forum summarizing the event. At least one organizer is expected to attend the entire workshop.

Workshop proposals, in no more than 4 pages, should include the following information:

- Title
- Motivation for the workshop, its appropriateness for SIGIR, its complementarity to the main SIGIR-AP 2024 conference topics, and why it would be of interest to the IR community
- Theme and purpose of the workshop
- Planned activities and a tentative schedule of events (half-day: 90 minutes x 2)
- For each organizer, how likely they think it is that they can attend onsite
- Special requirements and how critical they are to the success of the workshop. Outline a contingency plan in case these requirements cannot be met, such as potential last-minute organizers to ensure the workshop runs onsite
- List of organizers with a short biographical sketch of each organizer, describing relevant qualifications and experience
- Names of potential program committee (PC) members – if the workshop requires a PC (any workshop involving written papers should have a PC)
- Selection process for participants and/or presenters
- Details of the expected target audience and how the workshop will be advertised to reach them
- Related workshops (if applicable): if the workshop has been held previously at SIGIR or another conference, the organizers should indicate this and describe briefly past attendance and outcomes, and why another workshop is needed

Workshop proposals should be prepared in the current ACM two-column conference format. Suitable LaTeX, Word, and Overleaf templates are available from the ACM Website (use the“sigconf”proceedings template).Workshop proposals will be reviewed based on the quality of the proposal, their complementarity to the main SIGIR-AP 2024 conference topics, and the likelihood of attracting enough participants, as well as the hosting capacity of the venue. The submissions will be reviewed by a workshop selection committee, and final decisions will be made at the SIGIR-AP Program Committee meeting.

Proposals should be submitted in PDF through the EasyChair system (workshop track):

The organizers of accepted workshops will be invited to submit a camera-ready summary of the workshop, to be included in the SIGIR-AP 2024 conference proceedings.

[Workshop Chairs]
- Kazunari Sugiyama, Osaka Seikei University, Japan
- Masaharu Yoshioka, Hokkaido University, Japan

For further information, please contact the SIGIR-AP 2024 Workshop Co-chairs by email: sigirap-workshop2024@easychair.org