

The 2nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Information Retrieval in the Asia Pacific
December 9-12, 2024
Tokyo, Japan
The annual SIGIR-AP conference is an annual ACM-sponsored international forum that promotes and disseminates information retrieval research and development within the Asia-Pacific region defined as all of Asia, Australasia, and the islands of the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
The scope of SIGIR-AP is the same as that of SIGIR. We welcome high-quality papers with contributions related to information retrieval. There are two types of SIGIR-AP submissions: Regular submissions and SIGIR-Revise and-Resubmit submissions.
Regular Submissions:
Regular submissions are new, original contributions that have not been accepted elsewhere or simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. We also welcome submissions of Resource and Reproducibility papers.
SIGIR-Revise-and-Resubmit (SIGIR-RR) Submissions:
SIGIR-RR submissions are for revised manuscripts of either full or short papers that were submitted to but not accepted by the SIGIR 2024 conference (this option is not available for other SIGIR paper tracks, e.g., perspectives, resources, or reproducibility). Authors can use this option to address the issues raised in the SIGIR 2024 reviews and revise the paper accordingly. Check the website for more details.

************ Submission Guidelines ************
Submissions of papers must be at least 2 pages and at most 9 pages (including figures, tables, proofs, appendixes, acknowledgments, and any content except references) in length, with unlimited pages for references. While we do not set separate submission tracks for full and short papers, the assessment of each submission will be based on whether the paper length is commensurate with its contribution

************ Dual Submission Policy ************
Submissions must present original work that is not under review at any other peer reviewed conferences/journals. An exception is made for CIKM 2024, as its notification deadline is one week after the SIGIR-AP submission deadline. Authors of submissions that are under review at CIKM2024 must: (1) inform SIGIR-AP PC chairs about their dual submission by sending an email to sigir-ap2024pc@list.waseda.jp with subject: “SIGIR-AP CIKM Dual submission: <SIGIR-AP Submission ID>“, (2) withdraw the submission from SIGIR-AP 2024 upon receiving acceptance notification of CIKM 2024.

************ Anonymity and Pre-Print/arXiv Policy ************
The review process is double-anonymized. Authors must take all reasonable steps to preserve the anonymity of their submissions. The submissions must not include any author information. The citations and discussions of authors’ prior work should be anonymized or written in the third person form. It is acceptable to explicitly refer to companies or organizations that provided datasets, hosted experiments, or deployed solutions if it does not necessarily imply the authors are affiliated with these mentioned organizations. The authors can submit to SIGIR-AP 2024 papers that have been posted to pre-print/archival platforms (e.g. arXiv), or will be posted in the future, after submission. In such cases, the authors should take reasonable actions to make the submission non-discoverable; e.g., by changing the title of the submission. SIGIR-AP follows the SIGIR 2024 Pre-Print/arXiv Policy, and breaking anonymity or pre-print/arXiv policy puts the submission at risk of being desk rejected.

************ Key Dates ************
Abstracts due: July 1st, 2024
Paper due: July 7th, 2024
Notification: September 23rd, 2024
Time zone: Anywhere On Earth (AOE)

************ General Chairs ************
Tetsuya Sakai, Waseda University, Japan
Emi Ishita, Kyushu University, Japan
Hiroaki Ohshima, University of Hyogo, Japan

************ PC Chairs ************
Faegheh Hasibi, Radboud University, The Netherlands
Jiaxin Mao, Renmin University of China, China
Joemon Jose, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom

Professor Tetsuya Sakai (tetsuya@waseda.jp)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Waseda University