大阪大学の 前川と申します。
産業ドメインの行動認識コンペである「OpenPack Challenge 2022」の参加募集をさせて頂きます。コンペにおけるタスクは、物流センターを模倣した環境で収集された梱包作業に関するセンサデータから、10種の作業工程を推定することになります。
上位3チームには、賞金と表彰式が行われるPercom 2023への旅費のサポートを用意しております。
== タスク ==
梱包作業に関する 10種類の作業工程の認識
== データセット ==
OpenPack Dataset (v0.3.x)
OpenPack datasetは、梱包作業に注目した大規模かつマルチモーダルな作業行動データセットです。加速度データや深度データ、キーポイントデータを含み、合計収録時間は53時間、20,129件の作業行動ラベルが付与されています。また、スマートファクトリーを想定したIoTデバイスのデータや、作業者や梱包内容に関するメタデータなども多数含まれています。
== スケジュール ==
2022/10/15 …
2023/01/15 …
コンペ終了 (Close)
2023/03/13-17 … PerCom 2023 WSにて表彰式
== Website ==
Challenge: https://open-pack.github.io/challenge2022
また、OpenPack ChallengeをホストするPerCom Workshopの論文募集もさせて頂きます。
2nd International Workshop on Behavior analysis and Recognition for knowledge Discovery (BiRD 2023)
In conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2023)
March 13-17, 2023 in Atlanta, USA
BiRD workshop aims to provide a forum for presenting and discussing research on the recognition and understanding of behavior data collected from various sources, such
as humans, animals, and automobiles, towards scientific discovery (e.g., ecology and medical science) and/or actual business applications (e.g., industry, sports, healthcare, and stockbreeding).
In addition, we plan to invite biologists and neuroscientists who have collected and analyzed behavior data of various animals. While the biologists and neuroscientists have massive amounts of behavior data, they have limited
opportunities to apply state-of-the-art behavior analysis techniques to their data. This workshop provides a good opportunity of collaboration between biologists and information scientists.
This workshop solicits papers on the recognition and understanding of behavior data collected from various sources, such as humans, animals, and automobiles, towards scientific discovery (e.g., ecology and medical science) and/or
actual business applications (e.g., industry, sports, healthcare, and stockbreeding). Because the organizers of this workshop are core members of an interdisciplinary project of engineer, computer science, biology, and neuroscience on behavior understanding
and one of the organizers is a biologist specialized in seabirds, we solicit poster papers that mainly focus on real data and discuss experience/limitations of conventional analysis methods applied to the data. The topics of interest include, but are not limited
- Data mining methods for behavior/activity data
- Trajectory mining
- Modeling behavior/activity
- Behavior/activity data collection for scientific discovery and/or actual business
- Data preparation and labeling for scientific discovery and/or actual business
- Knowledge extraction from massive amounts of behavior/activity data
- Behavior/activity monitoring and recognition systems for scientific discovery and/or actual business
- Applications of activity recognition and/or indoor/outdoor localization
- State-of-the-art indoor/outdoor localization techniques
- State-of-the-art behavior/activity recognition and understanding techniques
- Visualization of behavior/activity data for knowledge discovery
- Extension of those to multi-agent/collective motion setting
- Workshop paper submissions: November 14, 2022
- Paper notifications: January 5, 2023
- Camera ready: January 31, 2023
Authors are invited to submit full papers that are unpublished and not under review elsewhere. In addition, we solicit poster papers that mainly focus on real data and discuss experience/limitations of conventional analysis methods
applied to the data.
Full details of submission procedures are available at
Workshop papers will be included and indexed in the IEEE digital libraries (Xplore).
Takuya Maekawa (Osaka University)
Ken Yoda (Nagoya University)
Keisuke Fujii (Nagoya University)
Olga Heim (Doshisha University, Leibniz institute for zoo)
[Computer science]
- Moustafa Youssef (American University in Cairo and Alexandria University)
- John Krumm (Microsoft Research)
- Stephan Sigg (Aalto University)
- Hiroaki Kawashima (University of Hyogo)
- Yasutoshi Makino (University of Tokyo)
- Koh Takeuchi (Kyoto University)
- Shingo Kagami (Tohoku University)
- Satoru Satake (ATR)
- Kazuya Ohara (NTT)
- Naoya Chiba (Waseda University / OMRON SINIC X Corporation)
- Teerawat Kumrai (Osaka University)
- Qingxin Xia (Osaka University)
- Yasushi Iwatani (Hirosaki University)
- Shogo Arai (Tokyo University of Science)
[Biology & neuroscience]
- Shizuko Hiryu (Doshisha University)
- Susumu Takahashi (Doshisha University)
- Koutaro Kimura (Nagoya City University)
- Hisashi Murakami (Kyoto Institute of Technology)
- Kazushi Tsutsui (Nagoya University)
- Nozomi Nishiumi (National Institute for Basic Biology)
- Mathieu Bonneau (INRAE)