日本データベース学会の皆さま 早稲田大学の酒井と申します。

Asia-Pacific版、SIGIR-AP (Asia-Pacific) が立ち上がります。
詳しくは下記CFPとホームページをご覧ください。(一部under constructionです。。。)

SIGIR-AP 2023 First Call For Papers
Details: http://www.sigir-ap.org/sigir-ap-2023/call-for-papers/

SIGIR-AP (Asia/Pacific) is a new regional IR conference whose scope is the same as that of SIGIR. It will be hybrid, so authors of accepted papers can either present their work in-person or remotely.

The conference adopts double-blind, single-track reviewing, and allows submissions of papers that are commensurate with contribution size. There are two types of SIGIR-AP submissions: Regular submissions and SIGIR-Revise-and-Resubmit submissions.

Regular submissions:

These are new, original contributions that have not been submitted elsewhere before. We also welcome Resource papers and Reproducibility papers. Resources papers consider test collections and labelled datasets, designs and protocols of evaluation tasks, and software tools and services for information access. Reproducibility papers repeat, reproduce, generalize, and reexamine prior work, for example analysing to what extent assumptions of the original work are valid, or identify error modes and unexpected conclusions; typically these papers involve a new team and a new experimental setup, that is, they go beyond replication.

Page length: (A) Paper body + (B) references.

(A) Paper body length should be 2-9 pages, and be commensurate with contribution size.
(B) No page limit for the references section.

SIGIR-Revise-and-Resubmit (SIGIR-RR) submissions:

These are revised versions of either full or short papers that were not accepted at the immediately preceding SIGIR conference. (This option is not available for other SIGIR paper tracks, e.g., perspectives, resource, or reproducibility.) In addition to the revised paper, the authors must include in the submission file a text explaining the revision based on the SIGIR reviews, as well as the original SIGIR submission.

Page length: (A) Paper body + (B) references + (C) explanation (with SIGIR paper ID) + (D) SIGIR submission

(A) Paper body length should be 2-9 pages, and be commensurate with contribution size.
(B) No page limit for the references section.
(C) Explanation (1-3 pages, no style requirements): a SIGIR paper ID, plus a text that explain how the authors addressed the points raised by the SIGIR reviewers after the SIGIR rejection.
(D) SIGIR submission: please include the original anonymised SIGIR submission as is in the SIGIR-AP submission.

IMPORTANT DATES (Timezone: Anywhere on Earth)

June 26, 2023                 Abstract submissions due
July 3, 2023                  Paper submissions due
September 10, 2023            Paper decision notifications
September 26, 2023            Camera ready papers due
November 26-29, 2023    SIGIR-AP conference (tutorial2 + 2-day conference + workshops)


Xuanjing Huang, Fudan University, P. R. China
Tetsuya Sakai, Waseda University, Japan
Justin Zobel, University of Melbourne, Australia
